City of Muskegon receives certification as Redevelopment Ready Community
Michelle Parkkonen
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Designation facilitates private investment, improves economic development opportunities
“Our mission at MEDC is to empower communities so they can proactively shape their future, a future built on a solid foundation of retaining and attracting business investment and talent,” said MEDC Vice President Katharine Czarnecki. “We look forward to working collaboratively with Muskegon to create a vibrant community where business and talent want to be, and where a strong sense of community flourishes.”

For establishing a solid foundation to attract private investment and further build on municipality assets, the City of Muskegon has received Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC) certification, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced today.
The west Michigan city joins six other Michigan communities that have qualified as “thoroughly prepared” when it comes to planning, zoning along with other key features that remove traditional barriers and promote opportunities for prospective investors. Other RRC include Allegan, Boyne City, Eastpointe, Lathrup Village, Roseville and Ypsilanti.
“Our mission at MEDC is to empower communities so they can proactively shape their future, a future built on a solid foundation of retaining and attracting business investment and talent,” said MEDC Vice President Katharine Czarnecki. “We look forward to working collaboratively with Muskegon to create a vibrant community where business and talent want to be, and where a strong sense of community flourishes.”
As a RRC participant, the City of Muskegon receives a comprehensive assessment that measures current community and economic development practices compared to RRC best practice standards. Further, the program evaluates and certifies communities that integrate transparency, predictability and efficiency into economic development practices. Certification status provides a compelling sign that a community has removed development barriers and streamlined processes to be more competitive and attractive to investors.
“The City of Muskegon already had several of the policies and procedures in place that were required for certification,” said Muskegon Economic Development Director Cathy Brubaker-Clarke. “Through diligence and perseverance, we were able to meet the remainder of the criteria."
“RRC certification sends a positive message to the development community that we are redevelopment ready, and have a strategic advantage when it comes to working with the state on various incentives and opportunities,” said Brubaker-Clarke.
On behalf of the Michigan Strategic Fund, the MEDC administers programs and performs due diligence on business and community development programs. The MEDC is the state’s chief marketing arm and lead advocate for business growth, jobs and opportunity with a focus on helping grow Michigan’s economy.
In addition, MEDC manages the Pure Michigan brand, which represents business, talent and tourism initiatives across Michigan.
For more on the MEDC and its initiatives, visit www.michiganbusiness.org. For Michigan travel news, updates and information, visit www.michigan.org. Michigan residents interested in seeking employment with any of Michigan’s growing companies should check www.mitalent.org, where more than 100,000 jobs are currently listed.
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