Higher Education Strategic Investment Grant Initiative
The Higher Education Strategic Investment Grant Initiative is intended to fund higher education partners (e.g., community colleges, 4-year colleges and universities, private training providers, other workforce training entities) to implement programmatic solutions to grow the state’s Advanced Manufacturing talent pipeline.Overview
The MEDC has been addressing key talent challenges through several initiatives under the Talent Action Team (TAT) model, which brings together industry, higher education, training and recruitment program partners to support the need to raise awareness and train talent for the Advanced Manufacturing industry.
Building on the success of the TAT EV/Mobility and TAT Semiconductor (Semis) launched in 2022 and 2023, the MEDC Talent Solutions division is releasing its next grant application to support the industry and these industry sectors.
This grant aims to expand educational opportunities to build competitive, cross-industry talent for the future of advanced manufacturing in Michigan, guided by industry input on most pressing programs, priority roles, and hiring needs, and by retaining tech and engineering graduates.
The grant will support three initiatives: PK-12 Engagement, Curriculum Development (including Incumbent Training), and The Michigander Scholars.
Two of the three initiatives will be funded by federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF or FRF) to provide support for employers and employees statewide in critical industries to provide attraction, retention, and development of new and existing employees. These funds will specifically target unemployed and underemployed talent across Michigan with the intent of removing the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic from Michigan's labor force. Please note that the obligation, expenditure, and purpose of the fund are tied to the source of the federal funds and supplemental appropriation boilerplate (Sec. 608) in PA 119 of 2023.
The third initiative will be funded by other sources (e.g., corporate, state).
Frequently Asked Questions
To review a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Higher Education Strategic Investment Grant Initiative, click here.
To receive a recording of the webinar hosted on April 12th, 2024, please email a request to [email protected].
Objectives of Partnership:
MEDC is seeking programmatic solutions to the following goals:
- Build a more diverse pipeline of job seekers by raising awareness of the EV, mobility and/or semiconductor industry at a young age and increasing access to existing or future relevant education programs (e.g., engineering degree pipeline expansion through bootcamps and K-12 engagement, industry programming and curriculum in K-12)
- Develop training programs that meet Michigan industry need now (<500 annually), but that can be quickly scaled to graduate ~500-1,000 students (in relevant programs/degrees) annually in future years if business attraction and expansion opportunities occur.
- Connect more of Michigan’s top engineering talent with opportunities in the EV, mobility, and semiconductor sectors.
The grant will focus on three (3) initiatives:
- PK-12 Engagement: Promoting engineering / career readiness and industry awareness among PK-12 students (e.g., factory/manufacturing center tours, summer bootcamps).
- Curriculum Development: Developing curriculum and flexible training models, that meet current industry demand and develop the infrastructure to quickly scale with new needs (e.g., “Quickstart” programs, Semiconductor Technician Associate’s degree). Curriculum development proposals must have a TAT employer partner already identified. Incumbent workers from TAT employers who enroll in these training programs can be offered reduced tuition (50%), subsidized by the MEDC via this grant. This will be federally funded.
- The Michigander Scholars: Administer The Michigander Scholars program and award scholarships to eligible students who complete internships (including co-ops, capstones) and/or accept a full-time job hire and agree to stay in Michigan for at least one year. Employer partners for this initiative are identified by MEDC. This will be federally funded.
PK-12 Initiatives and Curriculum Development Initiatives focused on the priority roles identified by TAT employer partners will be highly preferred:
- Electrical Engineers
- Computer Engineers
- Industrial Engineers
- Materials Engineers
- Maritime Engineers
- Nuclear Engineers
- Process Engineers
- Software Developers
- Semiconductor Processing Technicians
- Semiconductor Production Supervisor
- Semiconductor Maintenance and Repair Workers
- EV Production Workers
- EV First-Line Supervisors
Students from various majors can participate in The Michigander Scholars program, however, the current priority roles identified by TAT employer partners, which students must complete internships (including co-ops, capstones) or accept full-time employment with, must be synonymous with:
- Electrical Engineers
- Computer Engineers
- Process Engineers
- Software Developers
Additional tech and engineering priority roles may be added on an annual basis.
Application and Deadline
The Higher Education Strategic Investment Grant Initiative application period is as follows:
- The grant opportunity will be open to those who qualify on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
- Applicants will be able to submit questions about the grant to [email protected] until 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Responses will be updated in the FAQ document by Monday, May 13, 2024.
- All applications must be fully submitted by 11:59 PM on Friday, May 31, 2024.