Sniffer Robotics
What started as a hobby turned into an opportunity to automate a process, create value and build on a vision.
Arthur Mohr, CEO of Sniffer Robotics, founded this technology-enabling environmental services firm to serve the waste industry throughout the United States. The company has a patented drone system that comprehensively collects methane emissions data over land applications, such as landfills. They also work to convert methane emissions data from their SnifferDRONE(™) to actionable information for remediation and provide this information through their SaaS platform. The Sniffer Robotics team also offers "boots on the ground" field technician support for manual inspection and other related field services.
According to Mohr, Sniffer Robotics uses the most effective, efficient and safest means for monitoring landfill emissions - the only automated method for the application approved by the U.S. EPA. As an industry leader and full-service provider for emissions monitoring, Sniffer Robotics serves waste corporations throughout the country. To date, they are operating in 28 states as well as working in the Caribbean.
When starting the business, Mohr says fear of leaving corporate America after 30 years, and entrusting his own intuition, was his biggest hurdle to overcome. Another barrier he had to face was having the right people to create the technology and obtain industry knowledge to make his plans into a business. After attending a boot camp hosted by Ann Arbor SPARK, Mohr faced these challenges, receiving positive feedback from industry leaders and working with key people.
“Incubation centers in Michigan can provide very valuable services for people interested in developing their business. In the case of SPARK, their boot camp was a terrific starting point for our business,” said Mohr.
Mohr sought out mentors with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to assist with his startup. The mentors helped connect him and his team with the Ann Arbor SPARK boot camp, a space for the business to improve their technical skills. The mentors also assisted in developing a business focus for marketing strategies. With this assistance, Mohr received a Springboard grant from Varnum Law. He also worked with Ann Arbor SPARK to gain funds for a transition to C-Corp status.
A 2023 Michigan 50 Companies to Watch awardee, Sniffer Robotics intends to expand throughout the U.S. by providing local support crew and investing in local technology, specifically software development. The company is looking for expansion opportunities internationally to pursue technology sales and licensing software. Mohr says Sniffer Robotics is excited to use the great state of Michigan as a platform for their business to create a national, and potentially international, positive environmental impact.
To access resources and connections that will help grow your business through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, visit michiganbusiness.org/services or contact MEDC today for personalized business support