The Main Street Difference
Kristine Richmond
Monday, December 17, 2018
Success in downtown Howell is the direct result of years of planning and dedication from Howell officials, funding partners, and developers, along with Howell Main Street and Downtown Development Authority.
What really makes a great downtown? Is it the inviting restaurants and shopping? Is it a vibrant arts and cultural scene? Or is it the steady hum of economic development activity?
This past spring, Howell was named the winner of the 2018 Great American Main Street Award, a national competition that recognizes exceptional Main Street communities each year.
By winning the award, the quaint, rural community of Howell now serves as a model for comprehensive, preservation-based commercial district revitalization, and has become an example for other cities and towns across the state.
The city has continued to build upon their Great American Main Street status, in fact, Howell was recognized recently for its efforts in establishing a solid foundation of attracting and retaining business investment and talent. On Feb. 11, 2019, the city was awarded with the Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC) certification which will further aid their efforts to plan for future development city-wide.
Michigan Main Street reached out to some of the residents and leaders of Howell to hear why they think Howell is a great Main Street community and what led to their success.
As you view this video, you’ll get the chance to hear more about Howell’s journey and the winning combination that put this community on the map as one of America’s best downtowns.
MEDC facilitates the Michigan Main Street program, which assists communities interested in revitalizing and preserving their historic and commercial districts. For further information, visit www.miplace.org/communities/mms.
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