Old Town Commercial Association has been selected by Michigan Main Street program to receive a $15,000 grant to further distinguish and brand the business district located just north of downtown Lansing and Lansing Community College along the Grand River.

Key to the branding strategy is the development of Old Town Commercial Association’s website, which is an online destination for potential businesses, property owners, visitors, and volunteers. The revamped website will include a business directory, calendar of events, new/available properties, and membership information.
“Fostering a sense of place is critical to building a memorable identity for Old Town,” said Laura Krizov, manager of Michigan Main Street, part of the Community Development team at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.
“This grant provides much-needed support to create strategic website design and content,” she said.
The branding service is part of a variety of technical assistance offered to Old Town Lansing through their participation with Michigan Main Street. The technical assistance focuses on the four points of Main Street: design, economic vitality, organization, and promotion.
Rokusek, a full-service marketing and design firm from Quincy, Ill., has been awarded the contract with Old Town Commercial Association.
Currently, there are 44 communities participating in the Michigan Main Street program at associate, select, and master levels.
Old Town Commercial Association is an independent 501c3 organization that has engaged thousands of volunteers in community development activities in the neighborhood. These activities have resulted in $7.4 million in private investment, 91 façade renovations, 85 new businesses, and 38,000 volunteer hours since the program’s participation with MMS.
Old Town Lansing won the Great American Main Street Award from the National Main Street Center in 2011 for its overall strength, demonstrated impact, commitment to historic preservation, and model partnerships with the public and private sector.