I need to Start My Business

Programs & Services

I Need to Start My Business

MEDC and its partners offer tailored resources to help you start your business in Michigan.

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Your Guide to Starting and Operating a Small Business

The Michigan Small Business Development Center provides counseling, training, research and advocacy for startups, existing small businesses and innovative tech companies. Counselors provide support and a planning tool to help evaluate the direction of your technology, chart strategies and more.

Michigan's SBDC publishes a Guide to Starting and Operating a Small Business. Information includes steps for starting a business; forms of business organization; elements of a business plan; federal, state and local tax obligations; management, hiring, marketing and more.

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Tap into Regional SmartZones

Michigan’s SmartZone network facilitates connections and the commercialization of tech and tech-enabled ideas. SmartZones offer businesses opportunities to build or expand their networks with key community and industry stakeholders.

Start Your Business With Smart Manufacturing Support & Industry 4.0 Readiness

Michigan has partnered with Automation Alley and the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center to increase awareness of, and access to, the tools and services available to help small- to medium-sized manufacturers and startups understand and implement Industry 4.0 technologies. One of the many important resources, Industry 4.0 Accelerator, supports startups developing these advanced technologies.

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Small Business Support Hubs

There are 27 Support Hubs across the state that help entrepreneurs navigate Michigan’s small business ecosystem and gain awareness of federal, state and local resources. These efforts include comprehensive programming and direct support to small businesses, whether it’s helping develop a business plan to secure funding, growing a customer base and industry connections, or hiring and managing employees.

Support from MEDC Partners to Help you Start a Business

Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM)

SBAM is the only statewide membership-based association that focuses solely on serving the needs of Michigan’s small business community. It offers a wide array of member benefits such as HR and compliance, benefits and insurance, information technology, energy solutions, accounting and finance, legal services, advocacy, small business certification, and more. Visit SBAM.org to learn more

Michigan's Network of Local Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) 

Local EDOs across the state exist to support the growth of companies and the creation of jobs in their region of Michigan. EDOs offer a variety of resources including business incubators, mentoring, connections, funding, talent recruitment and more. Find a local EDO to help you start your business.