The Michigan Opportunity

Through dynamic discussion, The Michigan Opportunity markets the state and promotes Michigan as a world-class business location. The podcast serves as a forward-thinking voice for Michigan as a conduit to global trends and applications in the new global economy.


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The Michigan Opportunity Podcast Now Airing on WJR’s The Great Voice

The Michigan Opportunity Podcast

Season - 3 Episode 46

Thomas Schuelke, President of Fraunhofer USA Inc.

Listen to Thomas Schuelke, MSU professor and President of Fraunhofer USA, explain how this unique global organization is making business innovation better in the state and around the world. Headquartered in Michigan, Fraunhofer USA, Inc. is an R&D organization in the high-tech problem-solving business, utilizing world class scientific and engineering expertise to respond to technical problems. From designing and developing prototypes to developing and proofing the manufacturing processes, they work to bridge the gap between basic research and new market developments all along the technology readiness scale.

Season - 3 Episode 45

Colin Bird, Consul General for Canada in Detroit

Hear Colin Bird, Consul General for Canada in Detroit, discuss Michigan and Ontario’s trade relationship, the busiest between any Canadian province and U.S. state, supporting thousands of jobs on either side. Last year, total trade between Michigan and Ontario was valued at $80.6 billion (CDN), with imports from Michigan totaling $31.3 billion (CDN), and approximately 22% of North America’s automotive output through both Michigan and Ontario’s highly integrated automotive supply chain.

Season - 3 Episode 44

Duc Abrahamson, Executive Director, Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce

The Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce (APACC) works to facilitate business relationships among Asian and U.S. based companies and to promote the economic advancement of Asian Pacific Americans. Join APACC Executive Director, Duc Abrahamson, as she explains the vision of her organization, her path to this position, and the compelling story on how she came to Michigan.

Season - 3 Episode 43

Terri Fitzpatrick, Executive Vice President, Chief Real Estate and Global Attraction Officer, MEDC

Terri Fitzpatrick, a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, leads the MEDC’s Office of Tribal Business Development. Fitzpatrick is also the chief real estate and global attraction officer for the state’s site readiness and global attraction efforts, helping businesses move to and expand in Michigan. Those two career responsibilities overlap in their focus on building community by diversifying and increasing economic opportunity. Listen as Fitzpatrick explains the economic relationships that Tribes have with Michigan and how their goals align to bring prosperity to every corner of the state.

Season - 3 Episode 42

Zachary Kolodin, Chief Infrastructure Officer, Director of the Michigan Infrastructure Office & Reuben Sarkar, CEO at American Center for Mobility

Hear from Zachary Kolodin, Chief Infrastructure Officer and Director of the Michigan Infrastructure Office, and Reuben Sarkar, CEO at the American Center for Mobility — as they provide insights into the transformative effects of a clean hydrogen hub project. The Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2) is working to secure a substantial grant of up to $1 billion from the U.S. Department of Energy. This funding is earmarked for the development of regional supply chains focusing on the production, distribution, and utilization of clean hydrogen as a viable and sustainable green energy source.

Season - 3 Episode 41

Ingrid Tighe, President of the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center

Ingrid Tighe, President of the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (MMTC), has an impressive background and deep understanding of the manufacturing industry in Michigan. Her journey from being a veteran to becoming the president of MMTC showcases her dedication and expertise in this field. Hear Ingrid discuss MMTC's approach of providing comprehensive consulting services and classes to help clients train and develop their employees and management in the market.

Season - 3 Episode 40

Lauren Youngdahl Snyder, VP of Customer Experience for Consumers Energy

Listen to Lauren Youngdahl Snyder as she discusses electric vehicles, renewable energy and efficiency. Consumers Energy, a subsidiary of CMS Energy, is an investor-owned utility that provides natural gas and electricity to 70% of Michiganders and serves customers in all 68 of the state's Lower Peninsula counties.

Season - 3 Episode 39

Jill Ferrari, Managing Partner, Renovare Development

Women-owned Renovare Development provides mixed-income housing and community-based commercial spaces to urban communities, while helping support workforce housing and commercial amenities to support working families. Listen to Jill Ferrari discuss Renovare's commitment to communities across the state, addressing key economic issues including: attainable housing, affordable retail and commercial spaces, strategic partnerships with local governments and more.

Season - 3 Episode 38

Roberto Nicolas Vazquez, Mexican Consul in Detroit

The USMCA created one of the largest free trade zones in the world. Mexican Consul Roberto Nicolas Vazquez is at the heart of the Detroit-Windsor border crossing, hear him describe his unique diplomatic post and the services offered at the Consulate of Mexico in Detroit. He also talks about the future opportunities presented by the USMCA and the unique North American partnership.

Season - 3 Episode 37

Jon Kramer, President & CEO, OHM Advisors

Join Jon Kramer as he discusses OHM Advisor, a pioneering firm that's creating better places for people. This forward-thinking company includes engineering, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, surveying and construction engineering services all under one roof. This growing firm works with municipalities, state and federal agencies, Fortune 100 companies, developers, schools, universities and more. Recognized on ENR's Top 500 Design Firms, this full-service firm is definitely one to watch.

About the Host: Ed Clemente

Ed Clemente joined the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) in 2020 as the Senior Advisor for Trends and Development.

From 2012-2020, Clemente served as a two-term governor appointed Hearing Commissioner for the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC). Executing over 7,000 judicial Orders/Decisions, over the tenure of service. Prior joining the MLCC, Clemente launched Michigan’s Energy Innovation Business Council (EIBC) establishing it as 501c3 and 501c6 entity and serving as its first President.

Ed Clemente was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 2004 representing parts of southern Wayne County. During his three terms in the State House (2004-2010) he led task forces on electric vehicles, biosciences, film industry, Brownfield restoration, economic development, quality of life and advanced energy. Before his tenure as a public official, Clemente held several leadership roles at the Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber of Commerce, including President and Director Economic and Business Development. He also previously chaired the Economic Development Committee of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments and was elected as a Trustee for Wayne County Community College District, serving four terms.

Clemente has earned degrees from Ferris State, Michigan State University and Sienna Heights Universities. Clemente was awarded with a prestigious fellowship to the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and The National Judicial College for Administrative Law. He graduated from several political leadership development programs, including Leadership Detroit, Michigan Political Leadership Program, and Leadership 21. He is a previous small business owner and has taught at Northwood University. Additionally, he hosts a “Critical Conversations” podcast and is a member of the Workforce Advisors for Wayne County Community College. Ed serves on the Board of Directors for Global Ties Detroit and the Motor Cities National Heritage Area. An avid traveler, Ed has visited more than 80 countries and territories, 150+ UNESCO World Heritage sites, many to play rugby tournaments, others for professional exchange and some for just intellectual curiosity.

The Michigan Opportunity is brought to you by Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). In collaboration with more than 100 economic development partners, MEDC markets Michigan as the place to do business, assists businesses in their growth strategies and fosters the growth of vibrant communities across the state.